Venue Studentski centar Pula
Preradovićeva 28A Pula, Croatia (see it on a map)28th Aug to 3nd Sep 2016
7 daysOpen Data Experts
Public Sector InformationOpen Government Partnership
Working together-
What is Open Youth Academy?
Open Youth Academy is a seven day event consisting of workshops, lectures and discussions and focusing on use and reuse of public sector information. The Camp is organized by the Code for Croatia expert group within HrOpen Association and Information Commissioner. The Open Youth Academy will take place from 28th of August to 3nd of September 2016 in Istria.
The goal of the academy is to provide a space for young active citizens to explore the potential of open data, to learn and discuss open government values, sustainable development goals and to become familiarized with the theory and the practices of the right to access information. The potentials of the use and reuse of public sector information will be explored through examples of the similar activities carried out in European Union, France, Slovakia, Kosovo and the United Kingdom as well as through examining the progress Croatia made by launching the Open Data Portal.
Experts from Croatia and other countries will come together in creating a five day program of lectures and workshops in order to assist the participants in finding new solutions for commercial use of data as well as for using and reusing data for the benefit of the local community.
What is Open Government Partnership?
Open Government Partnership was launched in 2011 as a unique organization of governments and civil society organizations committed to making governments more open, transparent, accountable, and responsive to citizens. Eight countries founded OGP in 2011 and now it has a membership of 65 countries and has recently marked the publishing of the 100th OGP Action Plan. The Republic of Croatia became a member of the OGP in 2011, and has thus assumed the responsibility of developing and implementing the Action Plan which includes a number of measures and activities in the area of transparency and openness of government. The Open Data process in Croatia is a part of the Croatian National Action Plan 2014-2016. The Republic of Croatia, following the international recognition of its success and ambition in implementing OGP, became a member of the OGP Steering Committee in August 2014.
What is Open Data?
One of the main priorities in the implementation of the Croatian OGP Action Plan in the period from 2014 to 2016 is the open data and as one of the commitments an open data portal has been published. Open Data is increasingly referred to as the new oil, new gold, and an irreplaceable resource for the 21st century. The use and reuse of public sector information has not only been used for commercial gain but also for greater good, community development and has been recognized as crucial in advancing global agendas.
How to participate?
Candidates that are at least 15 and at most 30 years of age, with an interest and ideas about the use and reuse of public sector information, can apply for participation in the Open Youth Academy. Up to 30 candidates will be selected for participation, based on the ideas presented in the application form and while keeping in mind the need to respect regional and gender balance. In order to qualify candidates are asked to submit the filled out form no later than 10th July 2016, 00:00h CEST. The selection will be carried out by the expert representatives from the public, private and civil society sector in the field of open data. The costs of participation for the candidates will be covered by the organizers. Please direct any questions considering this event to [email protected] We are looking forward to your applications.
Read news about Open Youth Academy 2016
Open Youth - the next generation of OGP
This year, Croatia had the biggest number of searches on Google as a summer destination. Some of them (here we value quality over quantity) were searching for an elite training program for future world leaders - The Open Youth Academy.
There are more young people in the world than ever before, some calculations conservatively put the number at 1.8. billion. At the same time, it is one of the most underrepresented groups in the decision-making process. Yet, with their enthusiasm, fresh ideas, and drive for change, they have unprecedented potential for economic and social progress. Not to imply that they have to earn the right at the table, they are also the group we are all working for and the group that will inherit our accomplishments as well as our failures. They are the only group that can guarantee the sustainability of what you are doing right now. If we educate and motivate the youth to EXPECT transparency, openness, and responsibility from their government, their governments and societies will not have an option not to do so.
Read full article on OGP blog.
Infographic: Learning at Open Youth Academy
Check Learning at Ope Youth Academy infographic.
Photos from Open Youth Academy
Check photo gallery.
Open Youth projects
Please read on following link detailed descriptions about each project teams made: this are results of Open Youth Academy 2016.
Arrivals and check ins of participants. -
Introduction from the organizers on OGP and Open Youth Academy. -
Forming Teams
Introduction from the organizers on OGP and Open Youth Academy. -
Forming working teams and introducing work process. Connecting, communicating and having fun. -
Breakfast time. -
Workshop on the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
Debate regarding Sustainable development goals (SDGs). -
Coffee break
Open Data panel
Debate regarding importance and usage of Open Data -
Lunch time. -
Brifing with the mentors on methodology
Discussing methodology. -
Working in teams: Brainstorming
Breakfast time. -
Working in teams: Project development
Teams working on their ideas with mentors helping. -
Lunch time. -
Ideas corner
5 minute presentations of current projects or ideas from all participants -
Working in teams: Projects development
Breakfast time. -
Working in teams: Finalising projects
Finishing team projects. -
Lunch time. -
Ideas corner
5 minute presentations of current projects or ideas from all participants. -
Working in teams: Finalising projects
Breakfast time. -
Prep time for pitching & Welcome to members of the expert panel
Teams prepare for presentations. -
Pitching plenum
Presentations, Q&A, voting. Pitching Forum at the Univeristy of Pula
3 minute pitch from every team
5 minute Q and A with experts
Voting. -
Family photo
Presentations, Q&A, voting. Pitching Forum at the Univeristy of Pula
3 minute pitch from every team
5 minute Q and A with experts
Voting. -
Government consultations & NGO consultations & Private sector consultations
Private sector follow up session
Pithcing follow up session
NGO pitching follow up session
Government pitching follow up sessions. -
Dinner time. -
Working in teams: Finalasing projects
Breakfast time. -
Introduction of Information Commissioner
Best practices on the local level (city of Pula, city of Rijeka, Croatian County Association, Omega Software)
Youth leading local goverment workshopCity Hall. -
Coffee break
Coffee break. -
Welcome speech by the mayor of Pula, Boris Miletić and County Mayor Valter Flego
Closing panel of the Academy
Information Commissioner, dr. Anamarija Musa
HrOpen board member, Miroslav Schlossberg
Open Government Partnership Independant Researcher, Ivona Mendeš
Minister of Public Administration and the President of the Council of Open Government Partnership in Croatia, Dubravka Jurlina Alibegović
Presentation of the Projects Created During the Academy
Conclusions from the Open Data Workshop with Local Government
Awards Ceremony and Closing
Press conference - City Hall. -
Lunch time. -
Evaluation and discussing follow up plans
Evaluation and follow up plans. -
Closing dinner
Breakfast time. -
Trip to Brijuni
Trip to National Park Brijuni, tour of the park and free time. -
Departure of participants.
These are topics that we will talk about.

Open Data Portal
Zoran Luša, Senior IT Adviser at Ministry of Public Administration, Croatia

Kristijan Zimmer, Faculty of Organization and Informatics

OGP - Open Government Partnership and Open Data Publishing
Tamara Puhovski, OGP expert and social inovator
James Arthur Cattell, open data champion, British government

Anamarija Musa, Information Commissioner, Croatia

Open Data
Clémentine Désigaud, policy officer for open data at Etalab, the French Prime Minister’s taskforce for open data, open gov and datascience

Use and reuse of Public Data
Georges L. J. Labrèche, Open Data Kosovo (ODK)

Sustainable development goals
Jan Gondol, PhD., data hacker and education expert, Slovak Republic
Meet our international teams.

Data Gym



All donations will be gratefully accepted till 01.08.2016. See bank details of HrOpen Association which is main organizer in cooperation with Information Commissioner. For all the details and possible questions contact us via e-mail or Facebook
Check Open Youth Academy 2015